The Victoria English Country Dance Society holds a Ball every other year on the odd-year, while the Vancouver English Country Dance Community has traditionally held its ball every “even” year. This is a one day event — though we make a weekend of it: a Friday evening dance, Saturday workshops to teach the dances, a Saturday dance to enjoy the dances, and often a Sunday brunch hosted by a member of our dance community. Dancers come from far-and-wide, our Dancehall Players bring the tunes, and our callers come by invitation. We dust off our finery, and generally…have a ball!

part of the AGM for the Jane Austen Society of North America
The 2025 Victoria Ball Weekend, April 11-13: Come and dance with us! Susan Kevra will be coming from afar to lead the dances, and our inimitable Dancehall Players will fill the hall with music.

Introducing Susan Kevra: Susan is a dance caller, musician, and singer who makes her home in Nashville, Tennessee, and travels across the USA — and occasionally internationally — to teach contra, square dances, English country, and French dancing. Susan has been calling English country dance since the mid-1990s and is noted for her warmth, clear teaching, and lovely voice. Her experience as an English country dance clarinetist gives her a keen appreciation of the link between the music and the dance figures, something she brings to her teaching. It also enables her to create pleasing dance programs, arranged for the musical moods evoked by the tunes as well as for the dance figures. Inspired by tunes by her bandmate, Rachel Bell, she has choreographed new English country dances — including Trip to Provence and Moonflower — which have made their way onto dance floors and ball programs in the USA and England.
Dances will be selected from
Alice—Autumn in Amherst—De’il Take the Warr—Double Jubilee—Dublin Bay—A Girl’s Best Friend—The Glassblower’s Dream—The Hop Ground
Kensington Court—Leather Lake House—Love’s Triumph
The Monterey Ploughman—The Peridot Ring—The Queen’s Jig—The Ragg
Sun Assembly
Download LINK ⬇—VECDS Victoria Ball Registration Form (for downloading and printing off-site —> look for download arrow ⬇—this is not a “shared Google Document”).